
Let’s take a moment to stop,
And consider the cost
Of our reaction,
When our flight is cancelled,
Questions vaguely answered,
Luggage mislaid.

Who really pays
For our reaction,
That quickly gains traction,
Making us or them or our life bad,
Because thing didn’t match an idea we had?

Who really suffers,
When we grunt and growl at ourself and others?
What does this create,
At the airport gate?
Love? Connection? Joy? Delight?
Or does it make for a crappy time?

Isn’t it obvious,
And so glorious,
That if we romance instead of reject,
Move with instead of move against,
Our experience would be a lot more fun?
No stress, no worries, nothing to run from.

No external happening would ever effect,
The peace in our heart, the spring in our step,
If we choose to love, unconditionally,
Whatever or whoever might be.


We are Whole

