I have come to realise that it does not really matter what you know about me.
What is more pertinent is your experience.
Ask me anything you wish and I will answer happily. But, just as much as you listen to the words, pay attention to your experience; the quality of it, how you feel during the interaction, whether or not you are drawn to talk again.
You may use terms such as open or closed, high or low quality, loving or unloving, to describe an experience. But, these are merely words that point to the experience; so very far from the experience itself. Have the experience. Then, it is known. You can find words to describe it later, if you wish.
We all know another's state of being, their intention, how connected they are etc, when our attention is placed on what is known, instead of what is thought. Knowing is not a position, opinion, story nor framework of understanding - that's all mind stuff. Knowing is the direct experiencing of what is.
I can guide you away from the mind's stories, and towards what is experienced. When experiencing, there are no problems, and you engage and flow with life with a full, light heart.
In order to experience peace, you must disengage with the mind, and know. My "job" is to remind you that you already do.