Better Not

I better not do, or
They might think.

I better not feel, or
They might react.

I better not say, or
They might feel.

I better not assert, or
They might retract.

I better not joke, or
They might assume.

I better not ask, or
They might refuse.

I better not dislike, or
They might dislike.

I better not look, or
They might confuse.

But, for whom is it better,
To halt your expression,
To forcibly fetter,
What already exists?

In the gut, energy sticks,
As you renounce, retract, repress,
As you fear that another might conclude and confess
That you are defective
And causing them stress,
Just by you being how you’re being in the moment.

Recall, with compassion,
That their misunderstanding is their misunderstanding.
And your misunderstanding is yours.
So, let their misunderstanding be their misunderstanding,
While you explore the source of yours,
Perhaps with a laugh, a good mate,
And a few pints outdoors.

My fellow sensitive soul,
The ego edits, if you let it.
While you, unperturbed, unrefined, unconstrained, express it!
Whether you’re loving or not loving, matters not, ultimately,
For it’s the shining of light on what is that helps us see,
What’s actually better,
For you — me — and all beings that be.


By Your Side


Love Loves