Experiencing Lifelessness

Experiences of lifelessness, dullness, heaviness, dis-ease, are all forms of disconnection.

This is often experienced when our words and actions are coming from a place of wanting / fearing.

Are you playing a role? Are you pretending?

When we do and say things to appear a certain way, even if the mind categorises that way as positive, loving, good, “spiritual” etc, we are playing a role.

When we become aware that we are role playing, there is the option to smile or laugh at the silliness of it.

The ego often exclaims: you can’t say that, you shouldn’t do that, you must do this… for it fears losing another’s love, respect, agreement, adoration etc. When our attention is so fixated on other people’s opinions and positions, which are all illusory, we literally “lose ourselves” in them.

We find ourselves by returning to the sensing and pure experiencing of the now, in whatever form it takes.


Laughing Away Seriousness


Speaking Truthfully