Laughing Away Seriousness

The ego takes itself very seriously.

A word is spoken, a deed is done, an idea is had — and in personalising the existence of such things, the ego bloats or deflates; holds its head high with pride, or lowers its head in shame.

Laughing about the ridiculousness of the ego’s adoration or hatred of itself (and others) can be enlivening!

Smiling with “what is” is an acknowledgement that “this”, whatever “this” is, is not important nor personal.

Any fearful, separating, judgemental, boastful thought can be laughed away.

It doesn’t need to be “worked on” or “let go of”, it just needs to be recognised as silly.

Laughter from a place of love is not forced. Laughter comes! It arises as an expression of love, delight and understanding.

The ego can sometimes judge a laugh; I often hear people misconstruing a comedian’s joke. They say: You shouldn’t laugh at that. You can’t say that. That’s not funny. That’s offensive. This is an example of how the ego focuses upon content — upon words used — instead of the energy / intention of a communication, which can be to connect, bring joy, speak truths; all aspects of love.

I also fancy that “trapped” energy in the body can “release” simply by having a laugh.


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Experiencing Lifelessness