Loving vs Wanting Questions

There are two “types” of questions — questions asked with the energy of love, and questions asked with the energy of want.

Loving questions are open and spacious, often asked in the spirit of Self-discovery. What are you experiencing? Do you have a preference? Can I help? How can I be more loving? More than the words used, is the energy present; one of unconditional love. There is no attachment to / wanting of / expectation of a particular response, or any response. The questions facilitate a loving connection.

Wanting questions are dense and heavy; there is judgement, presumption and desire sponsoring the questions. Questions feel take-y, interrogative, demanding, superficial, empty or manipulative. Why did you do that? Don’t you feel guilty? Where have you been? What have you done? Who are you with? The questions are ego-driven.

It is common for us to think that we “should” answer all questions asked of us and / or do what people tell us to do, so as to “not be rude”.

This is not the case. Freedom is found in not answering a question we notice is manipulative and untruthful — in consciously choosing what we engage with, and what we do not.

Not answering wanting questions greatly benefits the one who is wanting. If they are unable to “get what they want” from others, they will need to look inwards eventually, even if it’s not in this lifetime.


Speaking Non-Judgementally


Living Life as an Experiment